APSS Basic Spine Course 2024 (Malaysia)

THANK YOU for your interest in the course.

For course registration and payment, you may select to register in the local or foreign links.

Local RegistrantsFor the local registration process please follow the instructions below:

Registration Process
  1. Click the Registration Link: https://forms.gle/v1dKfLvjUoMDCiS2A
  2. Google Homepage Redirect: You may be redirected to the Google homepage.
  3. Sign In: Enter your email address if prompted.
  4. Complete the GFORM: Fill out the registration form for the APSS Basic Spine Course 2024.

Payment Details via Bank Transfer: You may proceed with the payment below and attach the payment receipt on the Form:

  • Bank Name: Maybank Islamic
  • Account Number: 564351504180

Important Note

  • Save Payment Receipt: After making the payment, save the payment receipt.
  • Attach Proof of Payment: Attach the proof of payment to the GFORM.
  • Email Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation email from the Secretariat/Host with details of the updated programme and payment acknowledgment.

Should you have further inquiries about the payment confirmation/payment details, please contact Ms. Josephine Chandren at +60 12-605 7161 or email spine.research.unit@gmail.com

Foreign RegistrantsFor the foreign registration process please follow the instructions below:

Registration Process
  1. Click the Registration HERE
  2. You may be redirected to the Registration homepage.
  3. Complete the registration form and proceed with payment by Click SUBMIT

Payment Details via PayPal:

After completing the form, you will be directed to payment via PayPal. Once payment is complete, you will receive an email confirmation notification from the Secretariat of the updated programme and payment acknowledgment in due course.

Should you have further inquiries about the payment confirmation/payment details, please contact Mrs. Kaelyn Liew at +60 17-628 7513 or email spine@apssonline.org